Saturday, February 2, 2013


The Conservative Patriot's Guide to Twitter

Tools - Guides - Resources -

Profile Setup - Following/Follower Ratios - Efficient Use of Your Time - More

Twitter is the fastest growing social network on the Internet. This guide explains how to make it a tool for Conservative Patriots to become actively engaged in shaping politics at the local, state and federal levels.

Liberals Winning the Social Media War

Why is this important? Liberals had a 20:1 social network superiority ratio during the 2012 election campaign season that was one of the factors in President Obama winning a 2nd term. Additionally, the Mainstream Media (MSM) covered up the destruction that Obamanomics is causing to our economy. 

Statistical Proof of:
Mainstream Media Disinformation

This brief but vitally important video EXPOSES  that 93% of journalists, editors, producers and others involved in the MSM are Liberal/Left, vote Democrat and they manipulate their audiences with disinformation and outright lies to cause them to vote against their own best interests and for candidates that are destroying the USA fiscally and culturally.

We the People are the MSM Antidote

This guide will provide the information, tools and resources that you and tens of millions of other patriotic Americans need to be the ultimate Patriot Army while using the Twitter platform. Together we will be the antidote to the deceptive MSM.

Your Twitter Profile

The object of Twitter is to connect with like-minded individuals by following and being followed, so it is important to state your beliefs in your profile. Use Conservative hashtags to identify your beliefs. A hashtag is a short word or phrase preceded by a # that represents an interest - ex. #Patriot, #Vet, etc.  We have found this site to be a good resource to obtain hashtag definitions

#UPPUSA Hashtag

Our own hashtag is  #UPPUSA. It stands for all citizens that will take back this country and use the voting booth to replace all corrupt and inept politicians with smart business-minded government executives to lead us back to solvency and a strong Constitutional Republic once again. All who use this hashtag in their profiles and tweets are committed to following back Conservatives, Patriots and/or People of Faith.
Profile Pic, Background + Web Link

Good profile/background pictures also make for an appealing profile to potential followers. Many will not even follow a user with the standard Twitter egg picture. Maximize the use of the ability to place a website in your profile. Link to your website, blog, other social network profile or one of your favorite conservative/patriotic sites. Keep reading to fully understand following/follower ratio strategies to build a proper profile.  See here for our Un-Political Party (UPP) twitter account for a sample of a proper profile setup:

Getting Unstuck When Twitter Has You Stuck at 2,000
Following and Being Followed

Following is like a friendship so it is important to follow-back your followers that are of like mind. Not following back is like a one-sided relationship. Whether it is true or not someone that does not follow back like-minded individuals essentially says that they want to talk but NOT listen. Twitter even penalizes those that follow but are not being followed back by preventing additional following once an account is following 2,000 others. Twitter will prevent additional following until the following/follower ratio is improved. You will not be able to follow more people until you reach 1,819 followers. Twitter can give further warnings and restrictions after 2,000, but this typically reduces after 3,000 followers is reached.

Tools to Manage Follower/Following Ratio

The Organized System for Conservatives

Twitter unfortunately is a poor platform to manage your follow/follower ratio so we see many Conservatives not using the basic rules to grow a great profile; fortunately, there are a number of excellent FREE tools to make your time on Twitter more efficient and satisfying. There are many reasons that people don't follow back but the typical reason is lack of knowledge on how to manage Twitter. If you want to develop a follow/follower relationship with someone but their ratio shows that they need a bit of Twitter instruction, copy and paste the following into a tweet and send it to them. As a matter of fact Tweet this several times a week in order to get Conservatives organized and unified.

MUST SEE! Check out the  Guide to  HERE  

Un-Follow Those That Do Not Follow Back

To synchronize conservative tweeters we ask that everyone use Thursday as the un-follow day. This will allow all using this system to follow all followers before Wednesday evening in order to prevented from being un-followed the next day. NOTE: un-following someone is not a lifetime event. You will see that through this system many of the people that failed to follow back initially will eventually follow back as you this system is distributed throughout the Internet. 

Famous Conservatives That Will Never Follow Back

Don't expect famous Conservatives to follow back. Following too may of them can place you in a disadvantage with your following/follower ratio. If you are interested in tracking over 250 top Conservatives without having to follow all of them subscribe to this list HERE:

Great FREE Un-Follow Tool

We found this next service to be a superior tool to un-follow those that don't follow back:

Following Followers

Twitter failed to notify us of hundreds of our own followers on our Twitter Time Line (TL). Additionally, we found that Twitter un-follows some of our own Followers without our permission [maybe a glitch in their system or smart phone application], so we use the following tool for finding our followers that we currently do not follow back, then we follow them if they are Conservative patriots and/or people of faith.  NOTE: use this on a daily basis to ensure you follow all of your followers. Twitter does not allow you to track all of your followers with their extremely poor default Twitter interface.

Download Tweets, Follower Listing + More

Many find benefit in downloading past tweets, direct messages, interactions and followers/following. We have found that the following excellent service provides these services for free.

If You Tweet But it is NOT Read
Did You Really Tweet at All?

Tweets are essentially 140 character messages that others will only see in their Time Line and under their interaction tab for a few seconds as a flood of other tweets and interactions push it down the list. Think of it in terms of an advertisement. Important messages must be repeated and sent to various followers in order to facilitate discussion and re-tweeting. Most tweets are not read by others at all and others are only re-tweeted a few times. Having a larger number of followers increases the potential for others reading + retweeting tweets. NOTE: Follow those who retweet your tweets. Obviously, they are of like mind. You will gain large numbers of like-minded followers by using this advice.
How to Grow Followers

A great way to find others to follow is to use the Twitter search function here:

Then, simply search using a hashtag representing your interest in the following manner:


Then, follow those with your same interests. If someone follows you and they are of like mind, then follow them back. Check out our lists here to find like-minded tweeters. Then use the tools reference previously to manage following/follower ratios.

Un-Political Party Lists

Find like minded individuals on our UPP lists. Follow other members on the lists and consider subscribing to our lists as others will use this as a resource to find followers also.

Using the "Notifications" Tab

Spending 50-80% of your time in your Twitter "Notifications" Tab is recommended so you can interact with your  colleagues. Many Tweeters neglect this tab and simply Tweet all the time without seeing what their colleagues are saying to them. Those that do this show a low regard for their followers and typically do not follow back and many do not reply back to personal tweets. This is easy to solve by simply changing habits to be most productive while using Twitter. Note: You can still tweet right from this tab so you can see responses to your tweets in real time. 

Ineffective Monologue vs. Dynamic Dialogue

We have observed that use twitter engage in continuous tweeting with zero monitoring of their Notifications tab. Ignoring new followers and not following back and not responding to direct tweets makes activity on Twitter ineffective monologue vs. engaging in dynamic dialogue. Valuable possibilities of making important connections and converting Twitter into an activist platform are lost as mindless tweeting consumes time without a goal. 

Uploading pictures directly to Twitter and also linking directly to YouTube videos are the best sources of additional content because both can be viewed directly inside of a tweet with the organic media viewer within the Twitter platform. Others are more likely to view a picture or video in this manner than to open a link to an external website.

Attaching Tweets

Here is how to attach one or more tweets to a single tweet. Simply find a tweet that you would like to attach in your or someone else's time-line. Then, right mouse click and copy the link on the lower left of that tweet. Now the link to that tweet is on your clipboard and can be pasted into another tweet. Here is an example.

See live example - CLICK HERE

Rants Without Action Do Not Fix Problems

Reducing the number of tweets sent and converting those that are transmitted to calls for action will make Twitter an excellent quick action platform for Conservative activism. 

Why is It IMPORTANT for Conservative Patriots to Get Active?

Polls show that only 7% of the US population consider themselves Far or Radical Left, yet they have succeeded in taking over our culture and our economy. Why? Mainly because fiscal Conservatives and People of faith have been in a political slumber for over 7 decades. We've watched with little or no action while wondering what is going on that caused our nation crumble right before our eyes. 

Almost Too Late for Conservative Activism

The Far Left is extremely well-funded and well-organized maximizing the use of guerrilla activist tactics and as revealed previously 93% of the mainstream media is entirely on their side acting as the propaganda arm for the Leftist agenda. Consequently, we are very near a point of no return unless we awaken the Conservative sleeping giant.
Take Back America NOW!

We have designed two simple plans for We the People to take back America NOW!  The magnificent aspect of these plans is that everyone can be as open or as private as they choose to be while helping to take America back by the people and for the people. Did you know that the citizenry is the defender of this Constitutional Republic and not the government bureaucracy or political parties? Click here to unite the citizenry to take back our rightful leadership role in this great nation...

The Simple 3-Step Plan for Fiscal Conservatives to Take Back America


Complaining on social networks in emails about the massive corruption and incompetence in our political and government systems will not change anything. Relying on political parties to save us has gotten us in horrible shape we are in today. We the people must take action NOW or it will be TOO LATE! Our plan details these 3 simple steps to STOP the destruction of our great nation.

Unite  - Educate - Reclaim

Conservatives have fallen into the trap of waiting for the perfect candidate, the perfect plan and the perfect time to act. This causes stagnation while our opposition is actively conquering us on all fronts with only 7% of the population shaping the direction of the 93% of us who are awaiting the perfect time to act. Our 3-Step Plan is so simple that your first reaction will be a temptation to once again wait for something that is hard because you figure the solutions to our problems must be difficult. The only hard part is getting Conservatives off of the couch. 

Step 1 - Unite

We are blessed with tens of thousands of patriotic grassroots groups and places of worship and tens of millions of individual patriots that want to save our great nation. Unfortunately, this great diversity causes disorganization and a lack of one clear plan. Step one of our plan is to put aside all differences and unite fiscal Conservatives, Reagan Democrats, Traditional Republicans, the 41 million Tea Party supporters, all people of faith and everyone that is fed up with our corrupt and out of control government and political system. 

Step 2 - Educate

In the link that follows we provide a plethora of educational materials that will SHOCK you as you learn about the thousands of well-funded foreign and domestic entities that are working 24/7 to DESTROY America as we know it. In the past they succeeded with no REAL opposition because we simply did not know. Our Step 2, Educating the Citizenry is extremely important because with $1 Trillion annual deficits and the daily violations of our U.S. Constitution by our politicians, the America that we know and love is quickly being devastated. As a small taste of the education every citizen will receive, here are three samples of the truths hidden from us by the Mainstream Media, the Democrat Party and the RINOs that have infiltrated the GOP.

Big Money Government School Union Boss:
Liberal Indoctrination NOT Education

WOW! Now it is clear why government schools sport a 30% dropout rate and fail to teach 65% of those that do graduate to read at the 12th Grade level.

ObamaCare: Schemers Caught on Video
We Will DESTROY Private Insurance 

Nothing the MSM and DNC puts out about ObamaCare is true and the GOP is too weak and lacks the proper leadership to expose the lies. Leftists in America have tried to promote this Socialist healthcare system in America for decades and most recently seen as Teddy Kennedy's Medicare for All, Hillary Clinton's HillaryCare and now ObamaCare.

The REAL Reason for the 2008 Economic Crisis
Democrats: Don't Touch My Fannie

The Democrat Politicians lie directly to your face when they blame Bush. As you just saw Republicans tried to gain control of the corrupt Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack since Bush's first year in office, but the Democrats cried racism and denied that there was a problem with these mismanaged behemoths. As usual the GOP was and still is too weak to fight the lies because the leadership of the party is frozen into silence for fear of being called names. The MSM and DNC uses the Marxist tool of Political Correctness to silence cowards who are afraid of childish name-calling. The Un-Political Party on the other hand welcomes the name-calling so we can expose their lies to larger and larger audiences. 

Full and Robust Education For All

This is the tip of the iceberg of the education you will receive in our 3-Step Plan. Do you think 100% of the citizenry needs to know the truths hidden from us by the Mainstream Media, the Democrat Party and GOP RINOs? Great! Let's continue.

Step 3 - Organize/Reclaim

By our 1 Million Points of Light Campaign we know that once the citizenry consumes the educational materials that we provide, leaders will form in every neighborhood in America that will become the central point of political activism to take back America by the people and for the people.

This is the way our Constitutional Republic was designed - citizen involvement and leadership. The political parties do not lead us, under our Constitutional framework we lead them. Our politicians have manipulated the citizenry into believing we are weak and powerless against their corruption and political payoffs with our tax dollars. Now they overtly lie everyday and flaunt their corruption right before our eyes with the expectation that we will do nothing to stop them as we have in the past. Our simple plan reverses every aspect of their destructive schemes by awakening then activating the citizenry. We provide a complete leaders guide for all of our Points of Light to transform your local groups into professional advocates for responsible government. 

Empowering Patriotic Grassroots Groups

We unite all like-minded patriotic grassroots groups into singular entities to amass a greater power to quickly effect the changes sought. This will release the creative energies that are currently bound up inside of each group due to a lack of central vision by thousands of groups with similar goals but different routes to get there. Now we will have a synergistic powerhouse for We the People to take charge once again. See here for more.

Solutions We Can All Agree to Support

We also provide the best business practice solutions to every major issue facing our great nation because we strip the influence of Big Money Special Interests Groups that our current crop of inept and corrupt politicians work for and instead our solutions focus on elimination of government fraud waste abuse and corruption; job creation; energy independence, overhauling our government school system that embarrassingly maintains tens of thousands of failing schools; and the full gamut of fixes to the problems.

WARNING! Normalcy Bias

You must fight the temptation to ignore our vitally important plan to take America back, because our enemies are growing in strength due to our inactivity. As we proved previously they use the deceptive Mainstream Media to lie to their audiences in order to enact every aspect of their schemes while lying about what is really going on.

Mainstream Media Manipulation

The MSM believes they can keep the 93% under their control, but now everyone is realizing that they are nothing but liars. Consequently, the citizens' distrust in the old traditional news media is at historic lows. Join us in educating the citizenry so we can once and for all FIRE the MSM by canceling subscriptions, never visiting their websites and turning off their TV and radio programs.

Get Motivated - Stay Active

Take the time to learn our plans to activate the citizenry, educate yourself via our Knowledge Library, then get active. Our plans are extremely simply but you must take the time to deprogram your self from the lies forced on you by the MSM and our politicians. Our enemies are betting that you won't do a thing to STOP them. 


Fight Tyranny NOW!

Many say that the objective of the "New" Democrat Party is to overwhelm the system with fraud, waste, abuse and corruption while the Liberal GOP Establishment Political Class fails to do anything about the outrageous tyranny occurring right before our eyes. THUS, the American Citizenry must wake up and fight the massive corruption taking place in our wasteful and overpowering government by firing inept and corrupt Democrat, Republican and Independent politicians during every election cycle. 

The United Citizenry of America

We are Uniting Reagan Republicans, Traditional JFK Democrats, Libertarians, the Tea Party, Fiscal Hawks, Independents, unaffiliated Conservatives and every citizen that desires to stop the OUTRAGEOUS political corruption at every level of government, so together we can return America to greatness once again. WE NEED YOU! Only as a united citizenry can we take back America by the people and for the people. See here for the details:


FREE Report

See the "Fundamental Transformation" Liberal politicians in all parties have in store for this great nation and how we can STOP them...

Additional Twitter Instruction

Do Not Interact With Liberals on Twitter

Liberals will try to cause Twitter to suspend Conservative accounts by trolling (interjecting posts) in order to get a response from a Conservative and then claim spam to Twitter. Twitter can then temporarily suspend an account. This is known as being placed in the Twitter Gulag or being temporarily suspended.  A strategy to overcome being unjustly thrown into the Twitter Gulag is to obtain 3,000 followers as quickly as possible because there seems to be more protection for users with this number of followers or higher. Our Twitter instructions above are designed to make this a reality for all that follow our Twitter building system.

See here for more information about the Twitter Gulag:

Twitter Gulag Defense Network #TGDN

Twitchy: #TGDN

Top Conservatives on Twitter

Following the accounts of all Top Conservatives on Twitter is time consuming and inefficient. See what over 250 top Conservatives are doing on Twitter all in one spot. View and subscribe HERE:

Top Conservatives Twitter Feed

Disclaimer: Use of the services referenced herein is at your own risk. We provide opinion only based solely on personal experiences. We do not warrant or guarantee any product or service listed. Use your own due diligence to determine if the services referenced above are right for you by studying the terms conditions, privacy policy, FAQs, etc., provided by each service and other independent review services.