Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Why We MUST FIRE All Incumbent Politicians

All incumbent politicians elected before 2010 and many elected since are responsible for the destruction of our economy and our political system. We will reveal just a few of the facts that the Mainstream Media (MSM) news outlets hide that MUST be exposed to every citizen. Take a few moments to learn the facts and share with everyone you know using the "Share" buttons on the right.

ObamaCare Planners Exposed: Destroy Private Insurance

Establishment Democrat and Republicans politician are responsible for forcing ObamaCare on the citizenry when 74% reject it outright. 100% of all Democrat politicians voted for this corrupt plan and establishment Republicans act as though they want to repeal it but failed to take the proper steps to stop this destructive plan. All MUST be FIRED at the voting booth.
MEDICARE is Bankrupt!

As president Obama and other Democrats just revealed, ObamaCare is designed to eventually force private insurance out of business and move to universal government health care. This is Teddy Kennedy's "MEDICARE for All" plan. Unfortunately, both MEDICARE and MEDICAID are bankrupt as exposed here... 

The ObamaCare MEDICAID Time Bomb

Politicians Borrowed 100% of Social Security Trust Fund

Over the past five decades politicians borrowed against 100% of our Social Security Trust Fund to fund their pork barrel legislation and payoffs to big money donors. This placed over $2.7 trillion of new debt on the backs of taxpayers. In 2011 politicians had to borrow $119 billion to pay current beneficiaries. Here is the reality of Social Security insolvency...

America's Young Adults are Waking Up

Young Americans are waking up to the fact that our politicians are corrupt and must be FIRED!

Benghazi: Murder to Cover Up Crimes

Obama and his top officials watched via live video feed for over seven hours as our US Ambassador and 3 other brave Americans were brutally tortured and murdered in Benghazi. The "Stand Down" order was given. So, the massive amount of forces that were an hour away were not allowed to save our fellow citizens in Libya.

Benghazi: Connecting the Dots of Corruption

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, not only denied multiple requests for increased security at the Benghazi Consulate, but she outrageously decreased security staff as the terrorist threat and actual attacks in the area increased. Then Obama and his top officials watched the terror attack in Benghazi in real time and did nothing to stop it.  Then, Obama and Hillary lied to cover it up and the MSM supported them in this corrupt scheme. 

Extortion 17: Seal Team 6 Sent on Suicide Mission

Seal Team 6 killed Osama Bin Ladin and then Obama and other Democrat politicians leaked the secrets of the mission for political gain. Three months later Seal Team 6 was sent on a suicide mission.

Massive Voter Fraud

The Mainstream Media (MSM) news outlets were pro-Hillary before they were pro-Barack Hussein Obama; consequently they began exposing the massive voter fraud committed by the Obama cronies and front groups like ACORN. Here is just one example of thousands of the massive voter fraud that took place in 2008 & 2012...

Obama Declares Patriotic Americans Domestic Terrorists

Immediately after taking office in 2009 the Obama Administration declared Conservative, Christian, military vets, pro-life and freedom loving Americans as domestic terrorists. Ever since he has illegally attacked and oppressed these categories of US citizens with numerous government agencies including the NSA, IRS, EPA, OSHA, FBI and many more. All Democrat politicians are 100% behind this illegal and immoral tyranny. And, Liberal Republicans known as Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) do nothing about it because they secretly agree with the oppressive tactics against what they see as their opponents also - Conservative Christian citizens. See here...

Unprecedented Corruption, Crime and Cover-ups

The MSM is complicit in covering up the most criminal Presidential administration in modern history. Additionally, all Democrat and RINO Republican politicians are guilty of lies, corruption, incompetence and attacks on the Conservative, Libertarian, Tea Party, Christian, Military, Pro-Life and freedom loving citizenry. Consequently 83% of all Americans despise our corrupt politicians and lying MSM. Now is the time to for the citizenry to take action!

FIRE Every Incumbent Politician NOW!

All incumbents elected prior to 2010 at the local, state and federal levels must be fired over the next several election cycles. If we do not take action NOW these corrupt politicians are already on a path to economically destroy our great nation. Take a leading role to purge our political ranks of these criminals and work to activate the citizenry.  
